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Bob Test Post 1

SMART Compliance Zoom Background

The SMART1383™ platform fully integrates and optimizes all data collection, analytics, recordkeeping, and reporting functions for SB 1383 compliance. Go from completing route reviews to generating reports in minutes!

SMART Support Test Post 1

This post is an example of a tech support alert post created at that is propagated to all SMART1383 networks and posted on the support page.

Bob Demo Post

This post was made on and assigned to the “support” category. The RSS feed on all portals on all networks can show this post on the support page and programmatically populate a newsletter that can be sent immediately or on a schedule based on categories selected.

Random Q Jackeline

What’s your biggest hurdle with populating the Implementation Record? Answer: Education being the same across the board What is a feature you would like to see on an SB 1383 compliance software? Answer: Compliance item list across the state Jackeline Castorena-Davila from Environmental Innovations Inc

Random Q Angel

What is a feature you would like to see on an SB 1383 compliance software? Answer: Data about residents/business compliance What qualities do you look for when selecting a consultant? Answer: Knowledge Experience What does sustainability mean to you? Answer:  Have full responsibility for my household actions   Angel Matute from Thermostat Care

Random Q Justin

What is a feature you would like to see on an SB 1383 compliance software? Answer: Detailed reporting! What is your biggest challenge with implementing waste-reduction programs in your community or business? Answer: Getting people to care enough to change their behavior. What qualities do you look for when selecting a consultant? Anwer: Experience Quality […]

Random Q Vicki Reid

What’s your biggest hurdle with populating the Implementation Record? Answer: Coordination with other departments involved. What is a feature you would like to see on an SB 1383 compliance software? Answer: Automated messaging What qualities do you look for when selecting a consultant? Answer: Knowledge Experience Vicki Reid from the City of Roseville

Random Q Brian C

What is your biggest challenge with implementing waste-reduction programs in your community or business? Changing customer perceptions What qualities do you look for when selecting a consultant? Knowledge Experience Quality Use of Technology References     Brian Craighead from the City of Roseville


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