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Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement for SMART1383 Portals

SMART Compliance Inc is dedicated to ensuring that our online platforms are accessible to all individuals, regardless of abilities or technological constraints. We strive to achieve the highest standards of accessibility to make our information available and usable for everyone. This includes providing data in multiple formats, ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies, and continuously improving our platforms based on user feedback. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone can engage with and benefit from our sustainability platforms. We are continually improving, and applying the relevant accessibility standards.  Our SMART1383 portals are designed and developed to meet or exceed WCAG 2.2 AA standards.

Measures to support accessibility

SMART Compliance Inc. takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of SMART Compliance Portals:

  • Include accessibility as part of our mission statement,
  • Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices,
  • Appoint an accessibility officer and/or ombudsperson,
  • Provide continual accessibility training for our staff,
  • Include people with disabilities in our testing and design personas.

Conformance status

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. SMART Compliance Portals is partially conformant with WCAG 2.2 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content might not fully conform to the accessibility standard.

Additional accessibility considerations

Although our goal is WCAG 2.2 Level AA conformance, we have also applied some Level AAA Success Criteria: Images of text are only used for decorative purposes. Re-authentication after a session expires does not cause loss of data. 


We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of SMART Compliance Portals. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on SMART Compliance Portals:

  • Phone: 855 724-1383
  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Postal address:  6625 N Calle Eva Miranda, Suite A, Irwindale, CA 91702

We strive to respond to feedback within 5 business days.

Compatibility with browsers and assistive technology

SMART Compliance Portals are designed to be compatible with the following assistive technologies:

  • NVDA Screen Reader
  • Jaws
  • Voiceover

SMART Compliance Portals might not compatible with:

  • Browsers or mobile operating systems older than the last 3 major release versions.

Technical specifications

Accessibility of  SMART Compliance Portals relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.

Limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of SMART Compliance Portals, there may be some limitations. Below is a description of known limitations, and potential solutions. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.

Known limitations for SMART Compliance Portals:

  1. Content from users: uploaded images may not have text alternatives because we cannot ensure the quality of contributions. We monitor user comments and typically repair issues within 10 business days. Please use the ‘report accessibility issue’ form if you encounter an issue.
  2. Archived documents: might not work with current assistive technologies because they use outdated technologies that do not support accessibility. We convert documents to new formats upon request within 3 business days. Please contact [email protected] for support.
  3. Embedded Data Tables: Some content in embedded data tables might be truncated in browsers when zoomed to more than 100%.  In such cases as an alternative a csv file can be downloaded to open as a single non-embedded file with content that is not truncated.

Assessment approach

SMART Compliance Inc. assessed the accessibility of SMART Compliance Portals by the following approaches:

  • External evaluation by an International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) certified accessibility tester. The product was tested against all of the applicable 86 success criteria within the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 Conformance Level A and AA. The testing methodology included a combination of automated testing, manual testing conducted via paired testing methodology involving two testers, one of them is a non-sighted and the other is a sighted accessibility expert. This testing methodology ensures that every aspect related to accessibility and user experience is included in our analysis.

    The technologies and environments used were:

  • Assistive technologies – Screen readers NVDA, Jaws, Voiceover
  • Keyboard only interaction, Browser zoom
  • Automated tools – Axe, Color Contrast Analyzer
  • Browsers – Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari
  • Accessibility plugins – Axe
  • Desktop – Windows 10, Mac

        The combinations of technologies used were:

  • Windows with Chrome and Jaws
  • Windows with Firefox/ Chrome and NVDA
  • Windows with Edge and Jaws
  • Mac with Safari and Voiceover
  • Windows with Chrome and Axe
  • Windows with Google Chrome and Zoom

Evaluation report and statement

VPAT Evaluation Report – Completed by a third party IAAP certified tester, August 2024

This report shows original results and is updated as accessibility improvement revisions are completed.


Despite the efforts we continuously undertake regarding accessibility, there is a possibility that some content, features, processes, or policies may be improved, so we welcome your suggestions and change requests.

Accessibility Change Requests

We welcome accessibility change requests. We strive to respond to accessibility feedback within 5 business days, and to propose a solution within 10 business days. You are entitled to escalate a complaint to the national authority should you be dissatisfied with our response to you.

Formal approval of this accessibility statement

This Accessibility Statement is approved by:

SMART Compliance Inc.
Bob Hollis, Chief Information Officer

Last Revised: August 27, 2024

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